Cyber Security Awareness Training for Students, CRN Feature
Cybersecurity specialist Boxphish is offering free cybersecurity awareness training to school children.
The offer is available to 11-16-year-olds and will focus on best practices to stay safe online, safety on social media, how to spot catfishing, available support for cyberbullying and the importance of being courteous online.
Leeds-based Boxphish was founded in 2018 to provide security training to the staff of SMBs. It is offering these sessions to children because they are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks, cyberbullying, personal data theft, identity theft and more.
Boxphish aims to get their latest educational video on cyber threats and safety out to at least half a million students this year and are currently 20 per cent of the way towards achieving this goal.
It is a well-known fact that over 90% of successful cyber attacks are a result of human error. Over 70% of these attacks are delivered via phishing emails to inboxes. Boxphish enables you to run phishing simulations and phishing training exercises to educate and empower students.
The video is freely available to view and the website hosting the course content does not require passwords, usernames or account creation.
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