The ultimate guide to phishing prevention.

A detailed look into phishing prevention; from the latest trends and types of attack through to identifying phishing and what organisations should be doing to mitigate risk.

The ultimate guide to phishing prevention
Thorough analysis of over 400K Boxphish users reveals that “Untrained users are 8.8 times more likely to click on a phishing simulation than those receiving regular training.”

Get more exclusive insight and actionable phishing prevention advice.

The UK government’s 2023 Cyber Security Breaches Survey reports that 79% of all attacks in the last 12 months originated from an employee clicking a phishing link.

Your people are being targeted everyday by increasingly sophisticated phishing attacks, and without the correct awareness training, the risk to your organisation is insurmountable.

So, it begs the question (or questions), how susceptible are your people? Do your people know how to spot the latest phishing threats? And what is your organisation doing to help, and proactively prevent phishing attacks?

In this guide, we explore the answers to these questions and provide actionable advice to help you increase your organisations cyber defences. 


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Boxphish the ultimate guide to phishing prevention

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Training mock up

Train your people to spot phishing attacks.

Effective phishing prevention goes beyond technical controls. Your people are often your first line of defence. Train them to spot the latest attacks through a combination of phishing simulations and regular training.


82% of data breaches are a result of human error



40% of organisations experience an attack at least once a month


79% of cyber-attacks are phishing attacks


100% of enterprises should report cyber security risk to the board


Here’s what our customers have to say.
